Sunday, 22 October 2017

Welcome To My Blog


If you've never read my blog before then you'll probably think this is just a nice friendly welcoming... which I guess it is but for those of you who have been with me for a bit or so then you'll think why the bloody hell are you writing this now after months of frequent posts. WELL fear no longer I'm about to tell you... I know you felt no fear but moving on. 

For me I feel like my blog has taken a huge change of direction this past month or so and I myself didn't really know what was going on or how to explain it. I've gone from writing about my outfits to more serious and advice like posts and I'm really not mad about it. I love fashion with my whole life and that will always be the main focus for me but writing comes so naturally that I need to jot down wants in my head and this is where it all comes spilling out. I will never stop going through stuff that everyone can relate to because I'm a (not for much longer HOW SAD) teenage girl and we go through the lot. 

So hi welcome to my blog! I write a load of crap that people actually want to read and sometimes even comment back to me about how it's helping them (how cool is that) but I enjoy what I do and I hope you reading this will enjoy what I do too. I've never been one to brag or say I'm better than anyone but this little blog I've created makes me more happy then you will ever know and that is how I know I'm winning. I get to talk about crappy boys who have broke my heart, girls who think they are gods gift because they are prettier than me, family members that make my little heart burst with love and friends who make my cheeks and tummy hurt from laughing and do you know what? I fucking love it. 

If you have ever thought about starting a blog then do it what is really the worst that can happen? I say it all the time but I write for me and no one else so if someone doesn't like it then I don't really care and if someone does like it then that is an added bonus that makes me very happy. My blog is about channelling my feelings, sharing my personal advice, showing you outfits I've worn, documentation of my travels and memories and most importantly to me my blog is me. Everything I write is me and everything I share with you is me. 

To the people who inspire my posts (good and the arseholes), to the people who read my blog, to the people who take photos for me, to the people who message me saying you can relate and to the one guy (BOY) who broke my heart, gave me plenty of fuel for my fire and who made me want to change my blog.... Thank you so so so so much.

Welcome to my blog. 

Soph x 

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