A year ago last saturday I made the brave decision to more from my home in surrey to my home in Hertfordshire. My dad and the Foskett side of my family have always lived in Royston and I was even born in Cambridge but at a very young age I was taken to live in Surrey with my mum and that is where I spent the next 18 years of my life.
When I was 16 the most heartbreaking thing happened. My mum didn't want me anymore. I was kicked out and left to fend for myself and boy did I do that. I was a couple of months into my amazing college course that was really setting me off in the right direction and I was not ready to give up my dreams because one person decided they had had enough of me. I went from place to place in the two years before I moved and a lot of things happened in between that but one thing that always kept me strong was to prove her wrong.
I've had my blog for a while now and I've never mentioned my past and I would like to keep it that way but I think sometimes I need to tell people certain things so they understand why I am the way I am. My mum is someone who I find quite hard to talk about even when people think I'm over it but who really gets over something like that? And although she did an awful thing I am not going to sit here and belittle her, be rude towards her or even make it out like I hate her because that is not me and I really do believe that everything happens for a reason.
ANYWAY once I had finished college I was due to move to Cambridge but I held it back a bit. At the start of the year I got a job at legoland. I told myself I wouldn't leave Legoland till I got a job up in Cambridge and eventually I did. On the 24th September I had my induction at Topshop. On the 30th September I packed my KA up and moved home and on the 1st October just one day after moving I had my first shift as a sales adviser. The first couple of weeks really sucked for me because I'd met a boy at legoland and I was so obsessed with the thought of him that anything to do with not being in surrey made me angry and sad. He eventually broke it off with me but I still remain it was the right person but wrong time kind of situation and I really do wish him all the best.
After he ended things with me a lot of doors opened up for little old Soph. I met my best friend. I've made many a soppy paragraphs about this chick so I'll keep this short and sweet BUT all I can really say is thank you. From the moment we met I knew I wanted to be your friend because you are such a happy and positive person and that makes me want to be a happy and positive person too. We are so alike that I feel like I can be my full self around you and know that instead of judging my weird eating habits and my weird ability to hurt myself in any situation you will laugh with me. We have been on holiday, on trips to random little places, countless nights out where we mainly end up sitting in the toilets having a heart to heart, we have both sat and sang badly to hairspray with shitty foods and comfy clothes multiple times and we are each others right hand man when it comes to our blogs. Charlotte thank you for taking surrey out of the girl and making me feel like Cambridge is where I am meant to be. I adore you.
My year has had many many many ups and I can truly say this has been the best year of my life but everything that goes up has to come down and I've experienced that these past couple of months. I've met people and I've REALLY met people so losing some over others have hurt quite hard. BUT I've made some of the most incredible memories and I am so bloody grateful that in a place I thought would never become home has well.. become my home.
I didn't imagine I would be spending the one year anniversary of me moving at a pumpkin patch with Charlotte but it's what happened and I wouldn't of changed it for the world. Instead of me crying over what could of been something really good with someone and over how stressful my job is at the moment I spent my day laughing and being the inner festive child I know I will always be. Basically what I am trying to say is that no matter how bad things look or how badly someone is dragging you down, cherish the tiny little things that make you happy because they will have the biggest impact. Never take anything for granted and never ever forget about all the people that make you laugh on the daily because even in the places where you least expect to find happiness you just might find yourself being the happiest you have ever been.
Thank you Cambridge for the multiple realisations, friendships, happy memories, loses and gains, the job opportunity, my family and most importantly the happiness.
Soph x
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