Seeing as time travel hasn't been invented yet this is the best I'm gunna get. I've learnt so much these past couple of years and although there is still so much to learn and overcome you will come out at the end. I promise. You are going to love and hate. You are going to get hurt multiple times. You are going to witness your dad marry the love of his life. You are going to get very very drunk to the point you'll ring the boy you fancy and call him 'babycakes'. You are going to organise and help run a fashion show that goes so smoothly you wouldn't of believed it. You are finally going to move to Royston after many of years saying you will next year. And sadly you're going to get your heart broken in multiple different situations at the most unpredictable of times.
Life is fun and exciting and you will be given so many opportunities but you won't be able to share those with your mum, your grandma or even that best friend you thought would be your ben to your jerrys forever. That sounds sad and it is.. you can be sad but you have that friend you never thought would be well.. your friend, you'll have a step mum you go home to every evening and pour your little heart out to and you will have a team leader at work who knows the face 'I need a hug' and will proceed to give you the most comforting of hugs.
You are going to develop a real love of eye shadow and winged eyeliner (which has taken you years to perfect) and you will stop climbing trees and start merchandising walls in a flagship Topshop/Topman store. There will be so much for you to learn and so much to achieve but you will want it and succeed even though there are people who are praying for you to fail. But most importantly you don't give up and that is what you are most proud of.
Two days after your 19th birthday you are going to go out in a killer white dress with a pink fluffy crown on. You are going to dance with your friends and end up on top floor to catch some fresh air and to cool your forehead down that is overheating because of your fringe and without any intentions on your behalf you are going to be swept off your feet by a very tall and handsome guy. It goes REALLY well for a bit but then you get your heartbroken and think the whole world is crumbling down and you don't know why. You think of all your past relationships and wonder why they didn't hurt you as much as this and then it clicks. Most of your exs were really nice guys who you can still get on with (please note the most) but this guy will put you through something you never ever deserved and the most important thing to remember is just that. YOU DO NOT DESERVE IT. You are going to love hard and that is what you need to take out of it. You learn that it isn't a bad thing to let your guard down even when you don't want to and that you thinking about other people all the time will not make a very happy Soph. Be honest and open and whether they reply or not you know you tried.
You are going to develop a real love for mini cheddars and you will continue to love chicken nuggets so much so Dad will never stop telling you 'you're going to look like one soon'.
You are going to become an aunty to a beautiful little boy who you need to see more even though it is hard. You are going to start to feel like an only child more and more each day but you will still love your siblings just as much as you did when you all lived together under one roof before all the problems started.
You are going to learn a lot about families and friendships, you're going to be in a year and a half relationship and even when it's over see only the best in him, you are going to start your period and cry about how painful it is every month, You are going to develop a strong love for David Tennant as the Doctor and you are going to become a human jukebox that people class as your party trick.
Although you will spend years looking in the mirror thinking what if and you will get let down so much to the point you doubt yourself you, I, will tick things off the 'holy shit I did that' list and be proud of where you are at 19 years old with no mother but a loving family, without the best friend of 12 years (she's still a great human, there is no shade what so ever) but with a new group of pals and sadly without my Grandma who I know will be equally as proud.
From me to myself, You've got this.
Soph x