Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Fuck Boys.. And Fuck Girls: Is It Really A Bad Thing?


I was once seeing a boy who said he would only be satisfied with a blog post if his name was in the title... so your wish is finally my command. 

Before you think this is a boy bashing blog I want to say it really isn't. It's all about knowing what you want and what you don't want even when it's a scary thing especially when society is telling you what you should want and what you shouldn't want. I've been in this rut that I like to call 'Soph has no heart' since I got shamefully dumped a couple of months ago. I used to be obsessed with the idea of love that I would fall quick and hard and that is exactly what I did only to be shot down a lot quicker and a lot harder but it has taught me a lot and now I'm all about the having fun and saying 'FUCK YOU' to love.... for now anyway.

I used to hate the idea of seeing multiple people at once and going on a series of dates to find 'the one' but now that doesn't really bother me at all. Granted I can't get a lot of people to want to date me BUT i'm more of a Soph there really knows there are plenty more fish in the big old sea so the first guy you go on a date with that laughs at things you wouldn't laugh at and who orders the tuna pasta that you have phobia of, maybe isn't the one. People like to just go on dates and people meet the person they have been meaning to find on that first date too and both are completely okay. I'm young, starting my career and SINGLE so why the hell can I not want to flirt with a few guys or go on two or twenty dates (if I was ever that lucky)? Don't panic if at first you don't succeed because who the fuck cares.

The term 'sleeping around' has always been seen in such a negative way but what really is all that wrong with it? If two people make an agreement that they want to just have a bit of fun with no strings then hey bloody go for it, they aren't hurting anymore. Life can be too overwhelming at times that the thought of even 'seeing' someone seems like an impossible task so having a bit of fun every now and again with someone else who wants to have a bit of fun every now and again doesn't sound like a completely awful plan. The words 'slut' and 'slag' fly around social media when you've had sex with more than -3 people especially when it's out of a relationship but really we should be egging people on to be truthful and mature about something that is truthful and super mature. There is plenty of time to find your future spouse so don't feel like you need to keep up with society's standards of #relationshipgoals and go and get laid if that is all you really want because lets be honest.... FEELINGS SUCK.

If there is anything I can really relate to it's the whole 'taking it slow' thing. I'm a taking it slow kind of girl (although I haven't always been) and I think that is something that I will be for the foreseeable future. Some people take two days to get into a relationship and I've known people to take two years and neither of those situations are wrong nor stupid. We used to tease my best friend A LOT for seeing her then boyfriend for like 9 months before making it official and now I take my baker boy hat off to her because that will be me when I eventually find someone who I deem (urm) acceptable enough to take me on more than one date. Being super chill and casual about a situation like a relationship can do really good things or really really bad things because sometimes (sadly for me... well his loss) one party can lose interest and not give 100% and that only ever leads to certain heartbreak and possibly even.... DEATH... just joking hehe. Putting the big old BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND label on can be either a really exciting and eager thought or a really scary and daunting thought so make sure you take as much time as you need and as much time as they need because rushing into things or taking things too slow can lead to hard times and well not hard times (if you get what I mean there...).

So from single me to you know that having a booty call, taking your time, or completely ignoring all of the opposite/same sex has it's pros and cons. You CAN be the 'slut' society seems to love to call people who have sex outside of marriage, you CAN be the boy who wants to takes things three years slow just so you know you really want it and you CAN be the girl who has been on three dates in one week just so you know you aren't missing that rare killer whale because why fucking not.

Have fun because life is too damn short.

Soph.... your fellow young, single and taking it real slow kinda gal x  

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