Monday, 4 January 2021

22 going on 90

 Am I turning into a 90 year old woman? 

I’ve always been someone to want to be in bed early, enjoys a sudoku puzzle a little TOO much and cries at anything on the telly but instead of my loss of taste and smell that covid 19 has graced us with as a side effect I think I’ve turned full on old lady instead and do you know what? I don’t bloody mind. 

I’m a 22 year old visual merchandiser who works 7am-3.30pm shifts most days, I have read 8 books since October (majority of them Harry Potter and I’m not ashamed(this is also incredibly impressive for me)) and I asked for a cheese toaster maker for Christmas. I consistently call myself uncool as a joke but am I really becoming DUN DUN DUN (you guessed it) uncool? The answer is no because everyone has different ideas of fun of course but considering at 21 I was out way more nights than I should of and staying up for 36 hours at a time and now I’m in bed by 7 and asleep by 9 I can’t help but think what would my life be like if we weren’t in the midst of a pandemic that isn’t seeming to f*** off? 

I quite enjoy sleeping and chilling out so to me going to bed early and spending my past time doing puzzles of people doing fun things like socialising and not doing puzzles is normal for me now but I fear I won’t be able to go back to drinking in pubs and talking to strangers about whether or not Brad from the vamps will ever pick me from a crowd and marry me. 

It’s not an issue AT ALL compared to what is actually going on in the world at the moment but I can’t stop thinking of ‘when this is all over what happens then’ and I’m sure a lot of us are. I think I will still be asleep by 9pm most nights but hopefully on the odd occasion be at a bar at silly o’clock giving men evils because they put their hand on my waist as they walked past and I reckon I’ll still be trying to find all the edges to an extremely difficult puzzle but I’m praying that instead of doing that in my bed on my own I’ll be able to have a second pair of eyes in the form of my stepmum as we hunch over on the sofa looking for the last corner while my dad sits with his iPad and earphones on so he can’t hear the miss marple episode we’ve all watched a million times because she’s loves it so much. 

For now I’ll have a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other with my hot water bottle laid on my stomach ready for bed as I’m cuddle in a blanket at a time most consider tea time and maybe I’ll continue to do this even when a global pandemic isn’t ruining our lives but also maybe I won’t and either or I’m happy with. 

Sleep tight don’t let the corona bite 

Soph x 

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