I'm coming out of my blogging absence to write about the very reason why I stopped.
It's mental health awareness week and although it should be spoken about every week of the year I think it's finally time for me to put into words the way it flips peoples lives upside down every single day.
I'm not here to talk about my reasons or why my mental health went on the decline last year but what helped me semi overcome it. Everyone who needs to hear things like this should never feel ashamed for it and for me that was my biggest lesson. Not talking about it or even allowing yourself to recognise what you may be feeling is something I struggled with for years. I still to this day find it hard to open up and tell my family and friends how I feel but
It's okay to not be okay. Rule number one.
For a lot of people showing signs of 'weakness' is the very reason they hide the way they feel. You want to seem happy and positive all the time and if you crack then you are seen as a failure but that couldn't be further from the truth. Always remember that nobody is perfect so acting like your emotions are perfect is damaging. No one will judge you for a down day, week or month and if they do then they are not people you should surround yourself with. I found that out the hard way but am I glad I did.
Toxic situations and people is what made me so anxious to the point I would rather sleep all day then go and see my family and friends or go to work. It took over my whole life and I tried to hide it all at the same time. Don't do that. Fish out the problems and surround yourself with people who aren't out to get you which I know is sometimes a lot more easier said than done.
Don't be afraid to lose people who never intended to keep you in the first place.
There are so many things I can say and I want to say but the most important thing I learned is who you allow in your life and the situations you put yourself through. Always think of your mental health first especially if you are feeling extremely down or anxious. Don't leave it till the last minute and seek help if you need it.
I came to find writing poetry really helps ease my conscious and it was something I had never done before. I have very few people I consider friends that I trust and I've come to realise who has the best intentions. It all took me a long time with visits to the GP, sick notes off work and a mass clear out of nasty people from my life but now it's my turn to help others if and when they need/want to talk.
Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it is not there. Everyone is fighting their own battles so be kind always.
Lots of people do not understand how to react with mental health issues which is why speaking about it and spreading the word is so important. No one deserves to be alone and nobody should feel like they are. Help in anyway that you can if that be just listening, offering any form of advice that isn't patronising (I had that a lot) or even just being honest and saying you don't know how you can help but you know some well known charities and numbers that can.
Lets stop the stigma and talk about it. It's real and millions of people live everyday with it.
Mental health is equally as important as your physical health.
Samaritans- 116 123
SANEline- 0300 304 7000
Mind- 0300 123 393
CALM-0800 58 58 58
Soph x
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