I know what you may all be thinking, 'oh how cliche of a post' or 'be a little bit more original' but can you really say the year is over if you haven't looked back and thought 'well I thought that wasn't going to be as shit as it was.'
Instead of looking back on all the things I have probably already blogged about I wanted to remember all of the funny and not so funny little moments of my year.
1) One of the funniest moments of the year for me was 100% getting off my face drunk at my dad's wedding in front of all our family and friends (including my new grandparents)... did I say funny? I meant to say embarrassing. No but really that whole week was magical, fun, had me in stitches the majority of the time and just overall a really really really happy time. Getting drunk for the first time in front of my family to the point of crying to your stepmum about how much you love her would be seen as embarrassing to most but lucky for me I got the comments 'We love drunk soph' rather than 'you need to go to bed babes'.. Next up my wedding..... HA good joke soph.
2) Another memorable moment of my year was the week I nearly died and more importantly the recovery. If you didn't know I nearly died this year and I think I would of it wasn't for my stepmumma, so thank you Min for keeping me on this planet to annoy you for many more years to come. But the thing I will remember not just now but for the rest of my life was when I made a surprise visit to work after a week being gone (A week is a very long time in retail) and without even making the top of the very deadly stairs Charlotte had turned around and within 0.3 seconds screamed and started to CHARGE at me. We hugged so hard we nearly fell to the floor and I will never forget that feeling ever ever ever. We have had many amazing memories this year like Craig David and Mallorca but this one means the most to me. I lav ya.
3) A long part/the start of my year I have been trying to forget about was the part where my relationship was well not a relationship anymore. I jumped into something because it felt like a good thing to do at the time but the outcome and what has happened since between us just doesn't seem like it was worth the jump. That sounds harsh but I only say it because I would of much rather a friendship with him then what we have now which is nothing at all. He probably has lots of horrible things to say about me and boy has he but I know he has a good heart. I won't forget the spontaneous tickets you got us so that we could go and see The Weeknd after we missed Paris because I got ill or the 6 hour journey to the most beautiful place I have seen, The Lake District, I will remember it all.
4) The last and probably the most random memory I have of this year that makes me grin everytime I think about it was when me and someone who shall not be named decided to play 'Sophie are you really a human jukebox or not'. To keep a long story short, I am. But that's not what makes me happy thinking about it, it's the whole music side. Music helps so many people... including me. sad? Listen to music. Bored? Listen to music. Heartbroken? Listen to music. Honestly there are so many different types with so many different meanings depending on what emotion you are feeling and I find that so insane. So yes I can name every single song within the first 5 seconds on a 'classic rock classics' album and I'm not ashamed but quite impressed..... and so was he.
No matter what good and bad things happen this year like promotions or loss of jobs, love or heartbreak and friendship or loneliness there ALWAYS are and ALWAYS will be little tiny memories you can look back on and they are the things you should cherish more because the little things in life create the biggest smiles and fill even the smallest of hearts.... there was the cheese a Soph blog post can't go without.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope this coming year fills you will lots more little memories, good health and most importantly a whole lot of booze!!!!!!!!!
Soph x
Song of the blog: Celebrate- Kool & The Gang
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