No one can prepare you for a heartbreak. You can get your heart broken by boys/girls, friends and sometimes even family. No one can prepare you for that. You can either be the one knowing it's going to happen or the one who isn't expecting it. No one prepares you for that pain. You can be with someone for years, months or even weeks. Not a single person can prepare you for the feelings you can't breathe because of. Heartbreaks happen everyday, every minute and no one can prepare the world for the hurt and pain they will begin to feel. I've had my heart broken and I've had times when I thought I had but no one taught me how to deal with it or even that it could happen to me. I've been through the lot (especially in a year) boys, family, friends, enemies even people I don't know have broken my heart.
Relationships are hard and no one knows what will become of them months down the line. One moment someone could be telling you they love you and can never be without you and then a week later they leave you like you have meant absolutely nothing to them. I'm not going to lie I've been the giver and receiver. All I have to say about that is don't let anyone make you feel any less of yourself if they are the reason they left you or you left them. You deserve to be treated right and nothing less. Nobody is perfect and relationships teach you how to grow with someone, how to adapt with someone and how to be comfortable with someone but they also teach you how to be strong, independent and understanding.
Friends do come and go even if you don't want them to but that's life and that is how we live and we learn. Losing a friend is so heartbreaking especially when it could of been so easily prevented. No one can tell you to get over something so soul destroying than losing your best friend because that person was your partner in crime, your right hand man and your shoulder to cry on. I've recently lost best friends and it was so difficult to come to terms with but I made more friends and made friends that would never judge me on who I am or leave me when I needed them most. One mans loss is another mans gain.
Family should never leave you, abandon you, disown you but like I've said nobody is perfect. This one is the hardest to understand. Your flesh and blood but sadly everyone has the ability to let someone else down. Just know that no matter who it was that left you someone else is ready to catch you when you fall. No one should have to go through a family loss and sometimes its by choice and sometimes sadly it is not. People stay and people leave sometimes because they want to and sometimes because they have to.
Lastly heartbreak can happen to a whole nation. You don't have to personally know someone to feel personal pain. The world is a dark dark place and we all need to light the way into a happier and more positive generation. We shouldn't let dictators, Murderers or even journalists bring us down because when we come together we do the world so proud. It's heartbreaking to see what the world is becoming at the moment but it is also soul lifting knowing that things like music, social media and even our blogs are helping to bring people together and sharing a much more positive outlook on life.
Never ever think you can't cry over a heartbreak and that you should act strong because everyone deserves to be sad but more importantly people deserve to be happy and a heartbreak simply means needing to give your heart a break so when it's healed you can go back to loving someone with all of it whether that be a partner or a friend or a parent.
You have got this.
Soph X
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