Sunday, 30 April 2017

10 Whole Facts About Me.


I thought that seeing as I'm posting on this blog a lot about my travels and life etc. then whoever reads this may want to know a few little things about me. Nothing big and nothing that exciting but here are 10 things that everyone needs to know about me. 

1. When it comes to emotion I either show very little or rather a lot and there's no in between. You may think this is normal for a teenage girl but whatever it's still something about me that I need to tell and it leads on to my second fact...

2. I speak English and a whole lot of sarcasm. If you've read my blogs before you might have noticed it but for me sarcasm is what makes me me and sometimes people misjudge my sarcasm for no emotion but it's a bloody good cover up if something is on your mind, am I right ladies? 

3. I have one cat and she is called Bilbo and shes well old. Our relationship is a love hate... I love her and she hates me... such a daddies daughter...

4. As much as Bil thinks she's the only child shes not because there is also me and I'm definitely my Fathers daughter. I won't bore you on the details as to why I only have one parent but I'm lucky that one is enough for me. We look alike, act alike and even eat alike and hopefully I grow up to be like him too. Plus he is a race car driver so he's fairly cool. 

5. I have one half sister and one half brother and I don't think I've ever called them that because to me they are my siblings through and through. I'm also an auntie to a lovely little Alfie. 

6. As I mentioned earlier my dads a race car driver which I guess is pretty cool so my whole life I've been heavily involved in motor racing and I can't imagine a life where there's a free weekend to do 'normal' family things that don't include a race track and I'm actually super okay with that. My dad and step mum (she hates it when I call her that) run drift events as well which are super popular and makes me super proud to be apart of a slightly weird and dysfunctional motor sport family. 

7. I love fashion and I always will. I love being creative and I also love to learn while I go and when you are in the fashion industry you could be doing something different every week and it will ALWAYS keep you on your toes. It's also a bloody hard industry so finding your feet is incredibly hard but I'm excited to see where my feet take me. I've worked backstage at London fashion week and top model events and I've even won an award for being so bloody brilliant (That's the sarcasm I was talking about). 

8. As I've mentioned in a previous blog ( Moving away isn't always that bad ) I moved from Surrey up to my home town in Hertfordshire. I was born in Cambridge and the Foskett side of my family have always lived here and I've spent many a summer holiday in the country side but I finally braved the move and am happier than ever. 

9. I can not stand sitting around and doing nothing and so this goes on to me being probably the most spontaneous human being in the world. I literally could have no plans and end up three hours up north somewhere. I have no idea how I don't run out of money or how my poor little 2004 KA has done probably 15,000 miles in the last year but hey ho I'm not complaining. 

10. This last and final fact about me is the most important. I LOVE FAMILY MORE THAN ANYTHING. I probably have the smallest family known to man but I guess it just makes it easier to spend as much time with them as I can. I must say i'm rubbish when it comes to communication but I know that they will always be there for me and I can go over and see them and it's like I've never been gone. My uncle Colin and auntie Caroline have a special place in my heart for never judging me, taking me places with them and never complaining that I'm cramping their style and for just always being my best friends. This does go for all my family as well and that's what makes me a home kinda gal. I have the most beautiful cousins (who I need to see more) and the funniest uncles/aunts who have taught me that being happy is much better than being miserable over things you can't control. And my extended family show me that you don't have to be blood to love someone as if they were.  

So there are 10 quiet boring facts about yours truly. 

Soph x 

Thursday, 27 April 2017

How To Keep Your Relationship Alive


Relationships can be soooo hard or they can be super easy and lucky for me mine is pretty good damn normal. We rarely argue (pretty much always in my car when he says he knows where he's going and I made the mistake of believing him and in his sense of direction), we get on really well with each others families, we spend just as much time with our own pals and most of all we laugh at mostly everything but that's not to say we have to stop trying to make good quality time with each other. 
  People can get bored very easy and also people can get lonely very easily so there's nothing better than having your other half surprise you with a nice gesture once in a while or offer to take YOU out for dinner after a long hard day at work. A relationship is built solely on two people and how much time and effort they put into one another so here's a few things I've learnt about how to keep your relationship alive:

1. Start watching a weekly TV programme together. If you're anything like me you can binge watch any tv series in a night so you need to find a tv show that comes out weekly and dedicate one evening a week with your lover to watch it. Me and Noah are a little obsessed with Riverdale on Netflix and it's fair to say we can usually end up talking about it for a few hours just because there's so much going on and there are so many different theories to think about. Having this one night a week means you can chill out with a cuppa, have a cheeky snuggle and watch something and know that at the end of it you can chat to another person about it because I don't know about you but waiting for someone to watch something so you can have a good old natter is the WORST. 

2. Going on spontaneous trips to pretty places. Travelling to new places and being able to explore can be sooooo much fun but what makes that even better is doing it with someone you love. I'm always on the hunt to go somewhere new and I'm up for going pretty much anywhere and lucky for me so is Noah. From the start of our relationship we randomly ditched what we were meant to do and ended up going someone completely different and it's SO exciting. There's so many places to explore and sometimes you really don't have to go far and the rush you can get from going somewhere out of your comfort zone that is home is unbeatable. Just try it it will be worth it. 

3. It's the little things that count. There's nothing I love more than giving or receiving (not going to lie to you am I) things out of the blue. Buy her that pack of crisps she likes or that cactus shaped money box he wants. Listening to the person you are with is the most important part of any relationship so being able to show that you heard him droning on for three hours about that hair wax he wanted is a blessing for him but also for you. I'm a sucker for writing little notes or just simply washing his clothes he 'accidentally' left on your bathroom floor because to me the little tiny inexpensive things are the most memorable... unless he wants to buy me an Aston Martin of course.

4. Take time apart from one another. Don't get me wrong I live to spend nights cuddled up watching crap tv or waking up to a cup of tea made for me but I also live to go out for cocktails with the girls and getting a domino's in with some of the fam and that's why to me it's important to not smother each other. Noah and I spend max three nights a week with each other, probably one full day (if work lets us) and will go for the odd coffee and it's so nice because we have so much to chat about when we finally see each other. I'm sure if our work lives were more similar and we lived a bit closer we would spend more time with each other but we get the perfect balance of time together, time with other people and time to ourselves. Friendships and family are very important and although Noah is my best friend we respect that we also have other people we couldn't be us without. Don't forgot to give yourself that bit of TLC it needs but also don't neglect other people because relationships with family and friends is what makes the world go round and that smile a little bigger. 

So I hope this was kind of interesting and a bit helpful and if not oh well I know Noah will enjoy this read. Goodbye my lover(If you didn't sing that in a James Blunt voice then we can't be friends). 

Soph x 

Tuesday, 25 April 2017



Now I don't know about you but I LOVE a good freebie so when my pal Charlotte asked me (rather spontaneously may I add) to attend a PR event with her I was well up for it. I kind of didn't think much about it to start off with because i'd never been to anything like this before and I thought I would belong in the food section but much to my surprise it was really nice to see all the different clothing and accessory brands and some that I knew and some I was to learn of. Also had to go to a few shops before hand and really make my £30 train ticket (yes i'm being serious it was actually that much and OFF PEAK) worth it. Enjoy my super arty pictures because I looked like a spoon taking them. 

- Graduate Fashion Week
-Caroline Gardner

Soph x

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Being Grateful


Being grateful isn't always about saying thank you after your mum's made you your favourite dinner after a poop day or when someone holds the door open for you when your arms are full of sh*t and inside you feel all gooey because there's still kindness in this world considering. 
  It sometimes means when you see something and it reminds you of someone or just thinking of someone in general when they may not be thinking in that moment about you.
 It means sending flowers to someone who is ill or down and being grateful that they can receive them. 
Being grateful is what makes the world a happier place and the heart a warmer organ. There's always room to be more grateful and giving which could mean you giving your pal that packet of biscuits you don't particularly like but you know they do or 'lending' your sister your favourite top even though you may never get it back and knowing at the end of the day they will smile because of something you did.  
 You can never be too grateful and you can never stop showing how grateful you are however you shouldn't give everyone your gratefulness and expect nothing in return. 
 I was given those biscuits from my bestfriend and I received those flowers (purely just out of kindness) and I'm so grateful to have people that think of me even when I may not in that moment be thinking about them. 

I know there's little amounts of people who read my blog but if you're reading this maybe you should list 5 things you're grateful for today. I'm going to start this tag (I suppose that's what these things are called) with 5 things I'm grateful for:

I've already mentioned this but I'm grateful for the kind little gestures my boyfriend does for me. He got me the purest and smelliest (my fav types) flowers from his village florist, trekked to town, worked for three hours and then as I visited him before leaving to go home he gave them to me in front of his manager and on the shop floor. It's the little things that make the biggest smiles.


I'm grateful that nature creates beautiful and calming scenery. Blossom is by far the prettiest sight for me and there's nothing like being able to walk through a park with a walkway of blossom trees. 

I'm SUPER grateful that I get to travel the country I live in and be able to explore one of the most beautiful cities in the world.. very frequently. There's nothing like home and my heart definitely belongs in the U.K. 

I'm grateful that I get to share my adventures, my not so great days, my job, my surname and my goals with the most supportive and grounding people. This little jelly bean is my bestie and I don't know what I did without her before December. I'm grateful for you helping me overcome my fear of flying, for exploring places with me, being my photographer and letting me get my inner paparazzi out on you, for making me laugh even if I don't want to laugh and just over all not judging me on my age, my lifestyle or my love for food. Being grateful for the people around you is the easiest and most natural thing you can do and I'm forever grateful for those who stay by me even when I don't deserve to be stood next to.

And the final thing I'm grateful for is.... ME. I'm alive, I'm well and I'm happy and I owe that to myself because without me I can't be any of those things. This doesn't mean I'm a fully confident person because hell no do I look in the mirror on a monday morning and think 'damn girl' but I also don't care as much anymore. I have the people and the experiences around me to know better and I'm bloody excited for what is to come.

I think I've rambled on now for quiet some time so I'm going to sign out and watch pretty little liars. I hope you liked this post and if you didn't sorry not sorry because it's important to chat crap about personal things sometimes even if no one is reading (I'm still rambling). 
Peace out suckers.

Soph x

Sunday, 16 April 2017



For some Easter Sunday is a day full of religion and a roast dinner to celebrate the life of Jesus for me however it's full of family, chocolate and more chocolate. I love that people can dedicate a day to someone they truly look up to and I love even more that I can spend a day surrounded by warm and kind people. 
 This Easter I was actually spending the day with Noah and his family&friends and it was nice to know that on a day that is so special to certain people that I could meet and be a part of a whole new collection of people. The day has been full of laughing, yummy foods of all sorts and a LOT of alcohol (which is never a bad thing). 
  I love Easter and all that it's about because although I may have different reasons as to why I celebrate Easter, everyone unites and it's just genuinely a happy and cheerful time even though technically it shouldn't be... anyway of topic. BASICALLY i'm grateful I can join another family on the most religious day of the year and not feel out of place and that is what Easter is all about. 
 Here's to all those chocolate eggs you'll have for the next few months, to the masses amount of washing up to do after everyone has left and to quality family time spent whether it be with your own family or someone else's, there's ALWAYS room at the inn (different story but it fit).


Soph x

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Spring Days


Finally spring has sprung and the sun is shining down on us all here in the U.K and there's nothing that shouts out spring to me more than flowers and a bloody load of them whether they are in your garden, on your embroided mom jeans from topshop or just as your screensaver on your phones, I CAN'T GET ENOUGH. Spring is the time you can stay out late with your pals drinking ciders on a pub bench without out feeling naughty for being out so late or for when you can eat allllll the chocolate you want and no one can judge you because a festive bunny says you can but most of all spring to me is about transitioning your boring and dull winter wardrobe into your bright and cheery spring/summer one and I can't bloody wait i'll tell you that now. 
  Sun, colours and chocolate... what more can a girl want? 
So in my true spring spirit here is my first spring outfit post for you all... enjoy!

Denim Jacket-Forever 21 (forever ago)
Embroided Jeans- Topshop
Sunglasses-ASOS possibly

Soph x