Saturday, 23 March 2019

365 Days Of My Fav Album

Happy Bday Staying at Tamaras 

Might sound so silly but I’m here to say happy bday to staying at tamaras by George Ezra. One whole year ago this album was realised and every since I’ve been obsessed. It made the best memories. It made the worst. It helps me when I’m down and it continues to keep me happy on the good days. 

Music to me is the most important thing. As long as I have music I really do not need much else. If I’m anxious, sad, happy, drunk, nervous, bored or even excited all I want to do is listen to something and I know that applies to all sorts of people. For as long as I can remember music has helped me in so many ways from school and exams to work and stress of life in general. 

However this album is something so special to me. I’ve always loved George and always will but this album has honestly made 2019 year for me and hopefully many more. It was a bad year and I’m still recovering from that but whenever i hear any of the songs I only feel happy which is surprising with some of the memories that come with some of the songs. 

I sound soppy and maybe a bit crazy but it’s got me through a lot and if you haven’t give it a listen. It’s full of fun, love, real life issues like anxiety and overall just a smashing album by a smashing guy. 

All my love is possibly my favourite song of all time so listen and appreciate that song, you won’t regret it.

Thank you George Ezra, you will never know me and you will never understand what this means to me but thank you. We all have that one thing that just makes them happy no matter what good and bad memories surround it and this album is that for me. 

I’m excited for the next. 

Soph x