Wednesday, 8 August 2018

That Little Thing Called Love


Who needs it right? Just joking, Everyone needs it and everyone deserves it. It's hard to deal with it because sometimes it sucks and then other times it's the best thing in the world but I think that's what that word truly means. It means ups and downs and being able to get through it. 

It means that sometimes you have to let people go because they or you deserve better and trust me that's a hard pill to swallow. Sometimes it means two people will always come back together because it's right (I'm hoping this one for myself but have little hope) and sometimes it means being insanely happy with yourself, a friend, a partner or with a family member with huge bumps but you never get out of the car. 

I say that I personally love really hard when it comes down to someone I can see in my future and I would say it's my best trait. I don't regret any part of any type of love I've ever shown even if it's backfired and I've fallen straight on my arse or when I get it in return. However I'm not someone who begs for love anymore, I fight for it instead and I don't think that's a bad thing either. I won't lie I am a man hater. I wasn't but here I am again back at it. But I will still fight for whatever I believe in. 

So send that person you love a hand written letter, tell them that they look nice, fight for someone you believe in until you can't fight anymore and most importantly love yourself as well because although sometimes it seems like you can't (and I promise you I know that feeling) but if you don't then how do you expect to know how you should be loved by another. 

You may spend days/weeks/months looking through old photos, crying to chick flicks while eating one too many tubs of ice cream, feeling like you can't possible find someone else but if the person is worth it then fight and even if they aren't cry a bit more, pick yourself up and show them what they are missing. Oh and don't forget to shower. 

We can all get through the crazy rollercoaster that is Love, I promise. 

Soph x