Sunday, 18 February 2018

The Chicken On The Shelf


This morning I went to tescos to grab some things for a sunday roast that I had been dreaming about all week but there wasn't a single chicken crown left on four whole shelves (first world problems hey) and after a bit on confusion as to where all the bloody chicken had run off too, I realised I wasn't the only person to be craving a chicken in a bag and I simply snoozed and losed (I know it's meant to be lost but I ruins the feel so losed it is). As I walked down the aisle for plan B I went to grab my beef in a bag and lo and behold there was a chicken covered in herbs and goodness just shoved aimlessly on a shelf labelled 'Beef joint with crackling.' This all sounds so silly I'm very aware but I've seen it as a sign of a good week to come or so I'm bloody praying for. I believe in all that crap because well if I don't I would be miserable and mopy. Do you know what I mean? 

I'm a pretty miserable person at the moment and not for any particular reason which is probably the most frustrating part but that happens right? Please tell me that's normal. Anyway with not being so in the moment, I see a lot and I notice a whole lot more. 'Signs' are not something that people believe in and that i'm very aware of but for someone who needs a bit of hope, the littlest things can mean anything. The chicken on the shelf for example... who knows maybe that was to show that my luck is changing? Probs not lets be honest but it's nice to have something to be positive about. 

You know those horoscopes that we read everyday and everyday act so surprised when they relate exactly to our lives in that moment? Well lets face it they are written so vaguely and so widely that we could relate whatever it has to say with whatever we may be feeling but whose to say that's so wrong. When I read my cancer sign and it says that this week 'you will speak your mind and although you are sensitive and that scares you, your family and friends will help you through' I'll look at my phone all big eyed thinking 'HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT' and then I'll carry on my day without a second thought of my horoscope. But in that moment there's a sign that maybe all of the population born between 22 June-23 July are going through what I am and I'm not alone. And then I remember it's a horoscope and I need to stop being so dramatic. 

What I'm trying to get at, not very well, is that in a time of hope there are always the little tiny things that can help you pull through. For me it's little signs, going to the gym even though I don't have a clue what I'm doing or it's listening to music and they are a few things that are helping me get through this time in need. So read that horoscope, tell someone bluntly how you feel, Eat the cake and have that glass of wine as big as your face because life is too short and if you spend it down and miserable then you won't experience what it really has to offer. Open your mind to new things and take a bit of you time. Being in a miserable stage isn't a bad thing but a normal thing but only you can help yourself and the end of this hole may be a lot closer then you think.

Soph x  

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Happy Bloody Valentines

February 14th

Happy valentines to all the people in relationships and to all that are not. For me I am not. I have wallowed and complained about this day but really I love this day. It's nice to have a day dedicated to love in a world full of such hate don't you think? Although I have no one to post on my Instagram or to write a huge heartfelt poem too (me writing poem? good one), I have a best friend who will spend their valentines with me, A team at work that make the term 'valentines' bearable and I have myself. 

The most valentines like I'm getting.
I think self love is the most important part of this day. That may mean you realising how great you are when you are reading a card a partner wrote for you or when you are sitting at home alone drinking a glass of wine as big as your head and thinking 'I enjoy my own company'. I don't think valentines should just be a day for partners or relationships, I think it should be about relationships with your better half, your best friends or you families. It should be about celebrating the people you wouldn't be you without and the people who put a smile on your face even when you really don't feel like smiling.

For all of you who hate valentines like me... all I can say is do you really? Do I really hate valentines? No not really. It's not the day we hate but in fact the thought that it has to be about having a 'other half'' and credit to those who do but if you're single and 'alone' like me, this day is just as much ours as theirs! We are just taking our sweet time at enjoying valentines for ourselves and I'm sure eventually someone will love us... right? 

Happy Valentines to all the people in relationships and to all that are not. I have enjoyed seeing all the loved up couples swarm my instagram stories, all the #galentines and all of the people that haven't posted a single thing. We all deserve to celebrate this day in one way or another.

Soph x